A Message From Krista May

Hello Emerging Leader Members,

Who else is excited for a new year, a fresh start, and the excitement of finding normalcy again?! 
While the last year canceled events and forced us to find new ways to connect and give back, I am very proud of our Steering Committee for going above and beyond. Their efforts  continue to give each of you a great experience, including ways to volunteer on your own or join virtually to connect with our nonprofit leaders and other like-minded friends. I am grateful for each of you for continuing to join us, support our agencies, and stay engaged. It was not a year we could have ever expected but learning to be flexible has been a saving grace for us all. 
As we look to the year ahead, I cannot wait to see you all in person very soon. We are beginning to plan monthly events, including safe in-person opportunities and continuing virtual opportunities- sometimes it is just easier to join a call. Our funded agencies are slowly opening back up and inviting volunteers back into their space, giving us more opportunities to be together, giving back to our community. Stay tuned!
For now, we know not everyone is comfortable or able to join in person, and that is okay! We will be here when you are ready and able. As some of us adjust to being at home permanently, we want to remind you Emerging Leaders is here for you and your happiness. Volunteering has been linked to feelings of happiness, so consider hopping on a Zoom call with an agency director to learn more about their programs, join a workshop, or attend in-person to network and have face to face organic conversations. 
In the year ahead, we will continue to provide you with the joy of helping your community, your neighbors, and our future leaders.
If you are ever wanting more from your membership, always feel free to reach out to me or any of our Steering Committee members with your ideas. We are here for you. We want to provide you with more than just a one-time volunteer role but a new friend, more passion, and possibly even more of a leadership role within Sioux Empire United Way or a funded agency. 
I look forward to connecting with you all, very soon. 


Krista May
Steering Committee Chair
Infrastructure Design Group, Inc.