Sioux Empire United Way addresses many needs across the community. Needs that are ever present in our four-county service area of Lincoln, McCook, Minnehaha, and Turner.
- 83% of school-aged children live in households where all available parents work outside the home.
- The US Census Bureau estimates that 40,861 adults in the Sioux Empire are aged 65 or older, 28% of them have a disability and 8% live below the poverty level.
- 46% of adults with a mental illness in South Dakota did not receive treatment.
When we unite together to tackle the issues of our community, we are creating an impact in the lives of children, vulnerable adults, and people in crisis. Use the links below to see your impact through Sioux Empire United Way:
Quality Childcare & Early Childhood Education
1,044 children attended quality childcare and early education programs. 10,087 children aged 0-5 received 119,872 books though the Dolly Parton's Imagination library program.
Support for Parents
5,664 families received information and resources to support their parenting journey and enrich the lives of their children.
Out of School Time Care and Opportunities
4,676 youth were provided access to services to fill out of school time with safe and educational programming.
Youth Outreach & Development Opportunities
26,296 youth were provided with mentoring and enrichment opportunities through community programming.
Physical & Mental Wellbeing
1,728 children and youth were provided access to mental and physical health services like counseling, advocacy, dental, and speech and language therapy.

Community Connections & Quality of Life Experiences
747 adults benefited from services and programs aimed at fostering stronger community ties, enhancing their quality of life, and broadening their range of experiences.
Stabilize Health & Lengthen Independent Living
6,474 individuals received supervised care, transportation, or services to allow for continued independent living.

Family Support
889 at-risk families receive intensive case management, nursing services and support.
Housing Stability, Financial Care, & Career Empowerment
14,484 individuals and 1,748 families utilized services that provide access to transitional and stable housing, community resources like financial literacy training, and more.
Care for Victims of Violence & Sexual Assault
5,057 individuals were provided access to safe shelter, crisis intervention, counseling services or community education opportunities on issues of domestic violence and sexual assault.
Mental Health Care
3,416 individuals were provided access to mental health care, counseling, and support services.
Community Crisis Resources
42,979 inquiries were answered and provided information, resources referrals, and volunteer opportunities.