In times of uncertainty, at-risk populations need a place to turn. Stable housing, access to food, and mental health services are all made possible through your support of Sioux Empire United Way.
- Sioux Falls Area CASA recruits volunteers to advocate for abused and neglected children. Last year, 16,763 hours of service were provided and 98% of children served with an advocate did not re-enter the court system. CASA volunteers spend significantly more time with a child than a paid guardian or ad litem/attorney. A child with an advocate is more likely to find a safer, permanent home. Learn more.
- Sanford Health’s Child’s Voice Family Advocate provides counseling and other support to child victims of abuse and sexual assault and their non-offending family members. Last year, 231 families were provided with crisis intervention and support, attendance at interviews or case reviews, follow-up care, referrals to mental health and medical care, and other advocacy services. Research shows that ongoing support and access to comprehensive services are critical to a child’s comfort and ability to participate in an ongoing investigation, intervention, and treatment. Learn more.
- Helpline Center’s Volunteer Connections program assists Sioux Empire area residents with finding volunteer opportunities and helps volunteer managers by offering educational resources and support. Last year they provided 17,720 total volunteer-related contacts. Research shows that the average value of a volunteer hour is $27.20. Learn more.
Click here to see our full list of programs helping people in crisis across the Sioux Empire.