Volunteer Spotlight: Adrienne McKeown

As the 2020 Campaign planning sessions begin, we want to take the time to introduce our volunteers who make a big impact!

This week we want to introduce Adrienne McKeown, Director of Communications and Administration for St. John Paul II Catholic Church.

1.What are you reading?

"Girl, Wash Your Face: by Rachel Hollis and "The Shack" by William P. Young. Rachel's writing was so real that I felt like I was reading something written by one of my own girlfriends. And I literally laughed out loud a few times! The Shack moved me to the core. I knew nothing about the storyline when I started reading it (and I haven't seen the movie), but it completely changed the way I think about my relationship with God and His presence as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I think I may have to read it again to let it all soak in.

2. Favorite thing about the Sioux Empire?

There is so much to love about the Sioux Empire! I'm actively involved in helping to grow the Harrisburg community, and in that role, I have the opportunity to work with others in the region doing the same thing for their communities. Obviously, I love the overall environment and culture of the Sioux Empire, but I also love that we take a team approach to improve lives across the region. We aren't just focused on our own hometown; we want to help everyone succeed across the Sioux Empire.

3. What program(s) funded by SEUW do you think/feel the community could learn more about?

I served on the Counseling Impact Team for 9 years, and I learned so much about mental health in our community. It seems like the topic of mental health is gaining more attention in our society, but I don't think people are aware of all of the United Way-supported agencies that address these needs in our community. I am particularly fond of Sad Isn't Bad, a grief support program for children and caregivers, because I know first-hand the importance of children dealing with their grief when they lose a loved one.

4. Through all your volunteer roles what has been your biggest takeaway?

That's a tough one. I've learned so much through all of my various volunteer roles. I think what stands out the most for me is the importance of doing what I can with the time, talent, and treasure that God has blessed me with. No one person can do everything, but we can all do something, and we all bring different strengths to the team. By utilizing the natural talents of each person on the team, we can work together to bring about some pretty incredible accomplishments.

5. What are you ‘loving’ right now?

Trying new recipes and methods of cooking. By the time I get to this point of a season, I feel like I've worn out all my old standby recipes, so it's fun to experiment with new ones especially with our Air Fryer and Instant Pot.